Creed Fisher - "Rebel in the South"
I would like to thank The Good Lord for his love and grace, Mom and Dad, my kids Shalon, Brooke and Jaycee, The boys in the band, Micheal Shane, Uncle Ronney, Uncle Pooch, The Creed Fisher Family, Patrick & Mika Brown, Eric & Chalee Whitworth, Mark Jones, Keli Pearce, Dirt Rock Empire, The Men & Women of The United States Armed Forces & Anyone else who ever spent their hard earned dollar supporting my music! God Bless The Good Ol’ U. S. of A.! May Outlaw Country Music live on forever! Special thank you to Kaleb McIntire for co-writing song number 1 with me. Thank you Jared Hill and Michael J. McGregor for co-writing songs number 2 and 3 with me. And thank you Mark Jones for co-writing songs number 7,8, 11, and 14 with me.

Whey Jennings - "If It Wasn't For The Sinnin'"
I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who made this project possible.
First and foremost I’d like to thank my family, my wife Taryn, and my children,
William, Sarah, Serina, Cole, and Kathy. Thanks to my mom and my dad for giving
me a reason to be a better man. Thanks to my manager Tammy Carolus for being
not only a fantastic manager but a mother who believes in me and reassures me
everyday that this is my true calling. To my band: Pat Burr, Nathan Jenkins, and
Cheech Barry who give me their all every night. To the writers who I was blessed
to have on this album: David Wade , CJ Garton, Tammy Carolus, Dylan Cornell, and
Eric Caldwell. To My Dirt Rick family, all my amazing friends and fans for their support.
Most importantly I’d like to Thank God for all the blessings sent down from above.
I love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart.